R390A Description and Specifications
Ham radio operators and shortwave listeners love the Collins R-390A for its excellent performance, durability, and versatility. The R-390A is a general-coverage receiver that can tune from 500 kHz to 30 MHz, making it a great choice for listening to a wide variety of shortwave broadcasts, including amateur radio, international broadcasts, and even time signals. The R-390A is also known for its exceptional sensitivity and selectivity, allowing it to pick up even the weakest signals and reject interference from other stations.
In addition to its performance, the R-390A is also valued for its durability and rugged construction. The receiver is built to military specifications, and it can withstand harsh conditions such as extreme heat, cold, and vibration. This makes the R-390A a popular choice for use in field operations and remote locations.
Finally, the R-390A is versatile receiver that can be used for a variety of applications. In addition to listening to shortwave broadcasts, the R-390A can also be used for monitoring air traffic, marine radio, and even police and fire scanners.
Specifications of the Collins R-390A:
- Frequency coverage: 500 kHz to 30 MHz
- Modes: AM, CW, SSB
- Sensitivity: 1 microvolt at 10 MHz
- Selectivity: 2 kHz at -6 dB
- Power supply: 115 or 230 volts AC, 50 to 400 Hz
- Weight: 50 pounds
- Dimensions: 19 inches x 10 inches x 14 inches
Overall, the Collins R-390A is a legendary receiver that is still highly sought-after by ham radio operators and shortwave listeners today. Its combination of performance, durability, and versatility make it a true classic in the world of radio.
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